Tuesday 13 March 2012

One on One...on the 2012 Corporate Communications Summit!

Join a multitude of corporate communicators as we look explore various facets of the local communications industry.  No doubt, its going to be a blast as last year's Summit was given the thumbs up by most communicators present!
So on to the details:
2012 Summit Theme:
"The Future of Communications: Communications Today".
Royal Swazi Convention Centre
17th April 2012. 
Experienced international and local industry luminaries (more on speakers profiles).
  • Communication in uncertain times of economic crises;
  • Reputation and Social Media;
  • Brand and Consumer Communication;
  • Change Communication;
  • Leadership Communication and;
  • Managing the Media.
See you there communicator!

Signing off,

1 comment:

  1. Free Tickets and Drinks. Will help if I'm going to sit in to hear about MTN and SPTC, and how they plan to continue extorting us in the future.
